River Avon Navigation


On June 5th Stratford-on-Avon District Council (SDC) announced six ‘Priority Projects’ arising from an Infrastructure Programme Review.

One of these projects is an initiative between SDC and Warwick District Council, working with the Avon Navigation Trust (ANT) to open up the River Avon between Stratford and Warwick to navigation by boats up to 14ft wide.

Our District Councillor, Peter Richards, is committed to attending the Hampton Lucy Parish Council meeting to be held on Wednesday September 13th in the village hall. He will talk about the project and will also answer questions from the council members. There will also be an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and express their views.

The announcement of the Priority Projects can be read here.

Avon Navigation Trust have produced a leaflet and can be read here. (This is a large document and may take a while to download depending on your Internet connection)

Stratford-upon-Avon District Council have produced a document on the project and can be read here.